Autumnal socks

It seems to have settled into "Fall" weather for good down here in Space City. But there's something missing that I can't quite put my finger on...

Oh yeah...that whole fall leaves thing. Thankfully I've got this to make up for not being in New England.

Ironman sock

This is the last in this year's series of Man Socks for my family for Christmas. Three of the four men in my family have feet more-or-less the same size, and conveniently enough, that size is more-or-less the same size as my feet. Makes sock knitting very easy.

These are a version of the Spiraling Coriolis, worked with a larger band containing a little cable action. Trekking XXL continues to be a favorite sock yarn, in spite of the fact that it splits like a MoFo. This colorway (#76 I think?) (checks Rav...yes, #76) is just gorgeous. I'm wishing I had some more for myself.

More then that, I'm wishing they were done already! Not that I'm not enjoying them, but there are a bunch more things on the list to take care of.

Speaking of which, let's recap:

TX: Ironman, Devil and Boo
The Massholes: Nana, Grandpa, Uncle J and Auntie Walrus
The DC contingent: Bro and Auntie J
Those VT hippies: Mermaid and Koala

Grandpa is the unfortunate male whose feet do not resemble mine in size, therefore he will have to make do with last year's Christmas socks. What he is actually receiving remains to be determined. Koala's present was finished last night and is currently drying on my towel bar. Boo's Tomten has half of one arm, so that's coming along nicely. The last two ladies are up in the air (and will remain so since I know they come to visit on occasion). I'll just throw out teasers for them from time to time.

Look at that: December 1st and only 3.5 presents left to knit? Who am I forgetting?

Ehem. Now back to your regularly scheduled knitting content.

Sorry about that (both the long blog break and the excessive political wanking). I have been knitting, even if I haven't been posting about it at all.

I finally broke down and busted out the Noro sock yarn. Say what you will about the feel of it, the thick and thin nature, the VM, but the colors are absolutely To. Die. For.

Noro stripey socks

I'm moving to a new office, which I was cleaning out today, so I took advantage of a window (!) to take some pictures

Pattern: Stripey Noro Socks, by yours truly (pattern now available for download here)
Yarn: Noro Kureyon sock yarn, colorway S40
Needles: Knitpicks Harmony dpns in US 1/2.25 mm
Start/finish: 10/3-10/17/08

While harsh in the skein, the yarn feels fine on my feet. I haven't tossed these babies in the dryer yet, but I've heard that makes a grand difference in the feel. I originally meant these for a Christmas present but they ended up being too big. If they do shrink or shift around in the dryer, I will gift them. Otherwise, I'm keeping these things for me me me.

Noro stripey socks

I love the striping on the heel. I kept the heel flap in stockinette so it would work out, and I managed to get everything to line up just right. Hooray!

I guess it's now November so it's time to take stock of October's accomplishments:

Ummm...Noro socks. That's it.

Cotton Candy
Superwash merino, as yet unblogged because I need to unload a cubic buttload of pictures from our camera.

Halloween costumes! (see above disclaimer on superwash merino)

What was I doing last month?

FO: Diamond Waffle Socks

I don't think I've actually mentioned this project until now. Chalk it up to the craziness of September and the lack of internet service at my home for going on 2.5 weeks now (do you hear me Com#^&%? Fix it!).

Diamond Waffle Socks

Pattern: Diamond Waffle Socks by Danny Ouelette
Yarn: StR lightweight, "In the Navy", originally purchased for my mystery design project back in February, which is now being test knit and hopefully will be ready by the end of the month.
Needles: Knitpicks Harmony DPNs, US 1/2.25 mm
Start/finish: 8/29-9/30. I got distracted by other things along the way there...but they made it in under the wire for the Sock a Month knitalong.
Comments/modifications: This is a nice manly sock pattern. The only things I changed were the cast-on (I used Judy's Magic CO), and I made the leg short because I was worried I would run out of yarn. Of course, I had plenty, but now the leftovers can be a square or two on the SYB.

Diamond Waffle heel

Boy that's blurry. Sorry!

This is the second Eye of Partridge heel I've done, but the first that I actually really like the look of. The variegation in the yarn sets off the texture beautifully. And it's nice and cushy too. I also really like the band of garter stitch along the edge of the heel flap. It's a nice touch.

OK, one more Christmas present down. I'm hoping the recipient of said sock likes them!

FO: a secret

I finished some Christmas socks for someone, but I can't actually post pictures because that would just ruin the surprise.

But here are the stats: StR lighweight in Atomic #6, US size 1/2.25 needles, 7 st/inch, Cat Bordhi Riverbed architecture with Hedgerow sock rib pattern.

If you really can't stand it and want to see a picture go here (not you honey).

That is all.

Oh, right

I've not been feeling the blogging love recently - too much time in front of the computer at work, and lots of projects that are making progress, but aren't getting anywhere close to completion, making for somewhat dull reporting. I'm hoping for a bunch of completed objects soonish, but here's the current state of affairs:

1) Gathered Pullover: one sleeve done, need to pick up stitches for other sleeve and redo the neckline. I love the top-down set in sleeve cap. I think it's going to become a standard technique.

2) Ironman's Christmas socks: should be finished tomorrow, just it time for the August installment of the SAM knitalong. Next month's installment is scheduled to be Azure in StR In the Navy.

3) I finished the last 2 oz of Maldives yesterday, but haven't yet taken pictures to share.

4) My Ravelympics project continues on - it's still a big black blob with beads ever so often, but it's moving along. I'm torn between three or four repeats of Chart B - it may depend on how long the rows take me after 3 repeats.

Veil of Isis in progress

5) SYB is limping along, but I'm running out of scraps to use. I don't really want to start recycling them yet, so I either have to put it aside and knit socks faster, or start cracking in to unused skeins.'s where it stands though.

SYB progress 8-28

That's about it. Keep your fingers crossed that I get my butt in gear to take some photos so I can post some of these soon to be FOs.