FO: Diamond Waffle Socks

I don't think I've actually mentioned this project until now. Chalk it up to the craziness of September and the lack of internet service at my home for going on 2.5 weeks now (do you hear me Com#^&%? Fix it!).

Diamond Waffle Socks

Pattern: Diamond Waffle Socks by Danny Ouelette
Yarn: StR lightweight, "In the Navy", originally purchased for my mystery design project back in February, which is now being test knit and hopefully will be ready by the end of the month.
Needles: Knitpicks Harmony DPNs, US 1/2.25 mm
Start/finish: 8/29-9/30. I got distracted by other things along the way there...but they made it in under the wire for the Sock a Month knitalong.
Comments/modifications: This is a nice manly sock pattern. The only things I changed were the cast-on (I used Judy's Magic CO), and I made the leg short because I was worried I would run out of yarn. Of course, I had plenty, but now the leftovers can be a square or two on the SYB.

Diamond Waffle heel

Boy that's blurry. Sorry!

This is the second Eye of Partridge heel I've done, but the first that I actually really like the look of. The variegation in the yarn sets off the texture beautifully. And it's nice and cushy too. I also really like the band of garter stitch along the edge of the heel flap. It's a nice touch.

OK, one more Christmas present down. I'm hoping the recipient of said sock likes them!

FO: Blueberry Brambler


Pattern: Brambler by Anne Hanson
Yarn: Handspun wool, dyed at Halcyon Yarns, ~4 oz, 240 yds, 12-14 wpi, singles spun on a Golding 1.4 oz handspindle, plied on wheel at 10:1.
Started/Finished: June 21/July 16, but not blocked until 8/21 (!)
Commments: Anne wrote in her blog about how addictive this pattern was, and she wasn't kidding! I raced through most of this in just a few days, ran out of yarn while in New England, and had to wait to get home to spin up the 0.3 ounces I had left. It made just enough yarn for 38 repeats of the pattern instead of the recommended 36.

The only thing I would change, in retrospect, is the cast on/cast off. I cast on with the backwards loop method, hoping for a loose edge, and bound off with my usual lace/sock cuff bindoff. To say they don't match would be an understatement. So the next time I make this scarf (and there will definitely be a next time), I'll put a bit more thought into matching the two edges.

Kudos to Anne for a beautiful and extremely well written (as always)  pattern!

More shots:


Boo likes it too...

Boo and Brambler