
OK, started off with 4.5 oz of purple fiber for my Vine Yoke cardigan left on Monday afternoon.

Monday night: 3.8 oz (watched Fantastic Four, which was ok)

Tuesday night: 3.1 oz (watched FF sequel, which was rubbish)

So, at the rate of 0.7 oz/2 hours, I should be down to 2.4 oz or less tonight, and 1.7 oz tomorrow night. Friday night is off because Himself and I are going on a date for the second time in eight days (!) and will be at a wine tasting. So saturday night I'll be down to 1 oz to go, which means I should be able to bust out the last ounce on Sunday. And that would set me up for starting to ply the next weekend, but we'll be out of town for part of it, so I'll aim for starting to ply on Bank Holiday Monday (aka May 3rd). I'm hoping that the plying will go a bit faster then the spinning, because four months is already too long to spend on one spinning project. Seriously!