60 Months

Dear Devil,

Just over a week ago, you turned five years old. I know it's a cliche to rave about how fast time is going, but I swear to Gourds that only yesterday, you were this:

And in reality (something that I feel I have a tenuous grasp on at the best of times), you are this:

And this:

And this:

You have become oh so grown up and not shy about informing people that you are not a little baby anymore! We went on an expedition with some friends yesterday, and one little girl on the playground made the mistake of referring to the house that you and T were playing in as "the babies' house". You spent the next fifteen minutes following the poor girl around, informing her of the error of her characterization. "We are not babies!" In the end, you were great friends and played together happily until her mother ruined it by leaving, but it's an example of your insistence on fairness and things being right.

Since September, and your first suspicious trip to school, you have become a true convert. You are thrilled to go in the mornings, you proudly tell me when you get stickers on your sticker chart for helping out or cleaning up nicely, and you are usually pretty excited to come home and do your homework, such as it is. Your teacher says that it's as if you've been with your classmates forever, that's how well you've fitted in with everyone.

You are now genuinely reading, which I find more thrilling then I can explain. As someone for whom reading is an incredibly important thing, I'm so happy to see you starting out on the journey, and I can't wait to introduce you to some of the books that I loved as a child (and stayed up late with a flashlight under my covers to read after I was supposed to be asleep. I'm sure you'll do the same.) As a result of learning to read, you're also developing a British/Brahmin accent that would make your paternal great-grandfather extremely proud (not that he cared about that sort of thing, but you sound like him a bit) (although you are much more garrulous then he ever was!) Sometimes it takes me a few minutes to understand what you're trying to say because it's such a bizarre combination of American and English pronounciation. I suspect that this experience, of learning to read phonetically in the UK, will color your and your sister's speech for the rest of your lives. An interesting thought, that this experience may leave such an obvious mark upon you. I do hope it's for the best.

It's been a grand ride this far baby, and I am so looking forward to whatever comes next.

With all my love,

Mama (or, as you now insist, Mum)