There's that damn singing again

But this time, it's the angels. I am sitting in my TV room, watching "Lambing Live" on BBC2*, and I just finished the ribbing on the Ivy League Vest. And then I tried it on.

It's perfect. I am stunned at how well it turned out. And hey, that gauge thing? Totally works.

Now I just have to weave in 452 ends, sew down some steeks and block that baby. Maybe I can wear it on Wednesday...

* All week, live lambing (if we're lucky) at 8:00 pm. And if nobody's lambing (like tonight), there are little vignettes about bottle feeding lambs and breeding and feeding. Even sheep ultrasounds. A fibertarian's dream program, even if they do discount interest in wool breeds**.
** BFL's are described as "soft" because they have to live in the barn, not out on the hills in the Yorkshire Dales. Pussies...