58 rows down, 121 to go, 5 days. Hunh.
I think it's time to declare sleep obsolete, meals that include anything other then cold cereal and nuked baked beans a luxury, and stock up on the coffee and chocolate. But definitely not the wine - after knitting row 19 for the fifth (!) time, I've come to the conclusion that I can not knit fair isle and pay even the slightest amount of attention to anything else. But,
I still like the colors, and it's moving along. I've finished the waist shaping, and am onto row 36 of the chart. Which has 70 rows, 48 of which need to be worked a total of three times. 121 rows/5 days means 22 rows per day. That doesn't include the neck and armhole edgings. Hunh.
Ok, 121 rows/3 days means 40 rows per day. Seeing as how I got from row 19 to row 35 last night in a couple of hours, it's not impossible. But, let's be honest, it's also probably not going to happen. Hmmm...I think I may be lugging six balls of yarn and a big bag on the train with me for the next few days. Stay tuned...