My dilemma
Or, how do I clear up some of the WIPs before starting something new?
I am in the throes of extreme startitis. Or maybe it's just excessive lack of inspiration to finish my current projects. Of which there are many. There's my woefully neglected Ravelympics project from last summer. There's a winter vest that is waiting for some serious extension/grafting work that I'm ignoring. There's the never ending SYB. I've got an Aleita Vest fail in need of remedying before the fall so I can actually use it. And Boo's Haiku - the poor kid has watched her sister get handknits all summer with no payback. Where's the justice in that?
And yet I don't want to work on any of these. I've got a Cookie A bug, and Carroll is waiting for me to get going on Glynis in our knitalong. My recent handspun is crying out to be knit into a shawl for someone who could really use a warm hug now. And I spent one long evening last week not watching "Dollhouse" and fiddling with Ironman's colored pencils, some graph paper, and a huge pile of Palette in an attempt to come up with a good color combo for this. I'm doomed!
I think the only thing I can do is require that I finish something old before I start something new. I desperately want to knit on Glynis and Aestlight while we're back in the states next week, so I guess that means to finish two items. First up Haiku, and then...I guess the Estes vest is next easiest. It's almost done, but the thought of grafting together an entire vest's worth of cables is giving me heartburn.
Do you think it will be enough if the knitting is done? They don't have to be totally finished, do they?