FO: Devil's Pink Cardi

Oh wow. A full sweater from cast-on to finished item in 2 weeks? Sign me up for more of these...OK, so I can't wear it, but hopefully the intended recipient will.

Devil's pink cardigan

Pattern: standard top down raglan a la Barbara Walker, with YO increases on either side of the raglan seam
Yarn: Brown Sheep Cotton Fleece, Victorian Pink, 2 skeins
Needles: US 6/4.0 mm
Buttons: from Joann's
Start/finish: June 3 - June 16th for the knitting, finished blocking and sewing on buttons June 18th.
Gauge: 6 sts/inch
Comments: I used the basic recipe in Knitting from the Top for a raglan cardigan. I increased every fourth row along the neck edge for the V neck until 3 stitches short of the final number I needed, when I switched to every 3rd row. It was then straight knitting until the ribbing.

Devil cardi ribbing

For the ribbing I used Pattern #79 (Lace Rib) from Vogue Knitting Stichionary 1 (homemade chart here if you're interested. As previously mentioned, Dev picked the buttons that fit just perfectly in the YO holes of the ribbing, so for the neck band I just picked up stitches all the way around the neck, worked 6 rows of the pattern and bound off. I kept the band on the left front in solid k2, p1 ribbing to make sewing the buttons on easier.

Devil cardi button band

A quick soak in cool water, a spin out in the washing machine and voila! Pink perfection. Except for those damn wonky stitches that are still there. I console myself with the knowledge that Dev will never notice.

Maybe. ;-)