I won! I won!

Back in March, I joined the Sock a Month knitalong. It's been a great group to be a part of, especially since one of my (unstated) goals for the year was to knit a pair of socks every month. The bonus of doing the knitalong is that they have prizes. Every month, they draw out a winner from the people who finished a pair, and at the end of the knitalong (June, although it's now running for July-December), they draw out the monthly winner, a winner from the folks who did a pair every month, and a winner from the group of people who knit at least one pair during the six months.

I was one of the winners for June! And last weekend my package arrived.

The prize as posted was a skein of sock yarn and some stitch markers, but when Prize Lady Zonda sent off the package to me, she included one of her gorgeous box bags. So what I got was this

SAM prize

with some lovely green and purple sock yarn

SAM prize

and some gorgeous stitch markers (extremely well timed, since I've now lost two of my sock set and needed some more).

Stitch markers

The box bag is really gorgeous - I got to pick out the fabric, and Zonda did a great job. When I was growing up, my Crafty Aunt Laura used to make marbled paper that looked just like this fabric, so I had to pick it.

If anyone is interested, she has an Etsy shop where she sells needle cases, and she will make up box bags to order - you can also email her at zknitter @ gmail dot com.

Now I need to find a pattern for that yarn. Any suggestions?