The frog pond

Way back in October I came to a sad realization. The Basalt tank that I'd been working on for quite a while was just not quite right. So I banished it to the back of my closet and waited for spring to re-inspire me.

Basalt tank pre-frog

Basalt tank pre-frog

Yesterday I pulled it out only to realize that it was much worse then I had imagined. I remembered thinking it was a bit big and shapeless. In fact, it was 44 inches of big and shapeless, for what was supposed to be the 39" size. Oooops!* I alredy knew I was going to be frogging, but I had hoped to be able to keep some of the work and just redo the side hexagons with some waist shaping and call it good. Nope. No way, no how.

cotton top

cotton top

Cabled 50/50 cotton-wool goodness

Two episodes of Battlestar Galactica Season Three later I have a nice big pile of Cotton Top ready to become a new Basalt tank (the 36 inch size this time I think!).

* Further evidence that swatches lie.