Fiber Friday - Yippee!
Oooooooo! Hooray!
Thank goodness they included directions...
Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhh! (The clouds open and radient beams of sunlight stream down into my kitchen, even though it is 8:30 pm)
Two weeks ago, Iron Man basically sat me down and told me he was sick of hearing me pine for a wheel and I should just go and buy one already. So, being the obedient wifey that I am, I did (from here, which seems to be where I buy all of my fiber stuff). I then spent the next ten days in complete agony, peering out the front windows looking in vain for the UPS man. On Tuesday, when this beauty arrived, I had decided that if it wasn't on the doorstep when I got home, I was going to be calling to find out where it was. Thankfully, it was waiting when we got home.
Along with the wheel I got 2 lbs of Targhee top (my choice of giftee for the order), and they included a lb of some other top (the breed completely escapes me at the moment), some wax and some oil for the wheel. I immediately started spinning and filled up about half a bobbin, but I have not yet mastered the photographic skills (or the camera - must swipe IM's SLR next time) necessary to share that mess with you. Maybe next week.