Impending wee ones

I have two friends who are having babies in the next couple of months, both boys. Found out a couple days ago that one of them may be arriving very very soon (and if so, quite a bit early - Mom is at 31 weeks tomorrow. Stay put baby!). So I need to get cracking on the baby knitting.

Arrival #1 is getting a Peapod cardigan (if I really like the pattern, Arrival #2 might get the same thing). I'm hoping to swatch for it tonight with some Silky Wool in a discontinued olive color. I really like this yarn, especially after I throw it in the washing I've got a whole bagful, and don't want a sweater that color for myself. Thankfully, babies in Houston don't need 100% wool sweaters. If that yarn doesn't work so well, it'll be back to the drawing board, since I can't buy anything due to the Great Yarn Diet of 2007 (hereafter to be referred to as GYD-07).

But I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this little boy stays put a while longer, not only so I can get a good start on his present. Unfortunately, all other projects may get put on hold for a while so I can crank this baby out. We'll see how long it takes.