Order quick

I'll be holding off on shipping out products for the next couple of weeks because of the holidays (and the fact that my children are now out of school!), so if you want any fluff to see you through to the New Year, order it before tomorrow night, and I'll get it in the post to you on Wednesday morning.

Happy holidays, and happy spinning to you all!


Incoming shop update

Happy November everyone! The next shop update will go live at 10:00 am GMT on Monday, the 5th. And, since Monday is my favorite UK-specific holiday (remember, remember...), all fiber in the shop will be discounted 10% for 24 hrs only! So until 10:00 am on Tuesday, everything will be 10% off.

Here's a couple of the upcoming goodies in Monday's update...

Hope y'all are enjoying your autumn, and keeping yourselves wrapped in wool for Wovember!

Happy spinning,
