I'm thinking we have a wee bit of a problem here...

This is a knitting blog, right?

Okay, maybe a knitting and spinning blog, for the most part. Sure there's been a diversion or two here and there, but my crafting impulses have largely been consistent over the past almost-six years that I've been mucking about with this blogging thing. So surely what's going on in my world these days is a phase, right? Just like Devil's rolling her eyes so far back in her head that she must be staring at her optical cortex*... I'm not sure there's any other way to explain my sudden, inexplicable obsession with yarn projects of the hooked variety (beyond the fact that I am very entertained that (as a southpaw) I knit right handed, but can only crochet left handed...)
Behold, three African Flower Mandela potholders for the Ravelry 2013 Potholder Swap. They changed the rules this year to require only 3 potholders (instead of the six that I think they required in the past). And I, fresh off of (as-yet-not-completely-blogged) baby blanket success, pulled out my little bits of Tahki Cotton classic and other cotton bits and blindly combined colors as they came.
I do wish I'd had a bit of green to throw in there, but what can you do?** Fronts done in Tahki Cotton Classic, backs done in Patons UK 100% Cotton DK, size G/4.0 mm hook. Done in about four days.
Potholders reversed!
I love the flower in the middle. Just love it.
African Flower
And now that these babies are finished and about to be packed off to the States, I can start the next crochet project, for my newly arrived (as of Valentine's Day) nephew.
Mini-walrus for Wee H
Because what baby doesn't need an amigurumi walrus to cuddle and drool on?

* Please, please, please don't burst my bubble on this one. I know it's not a phase, it's the next at least eight years of my life, but I'm in denial.
** Answer to rhetorical question: start stashing vast quantities of mercerized cotton, of course.

So. Boring.

The fact that I have knitting that I can not talk about is really starting to irritate me. But two of the three projects are almost done! I think I can get away with a couple of teasers...Secret #1:
Secret #1
Please note colors have been adjusted to not represent reality. I'm on round 4 of 6 of the edging now. The end is in sight.

Secret #2 is done.
Secret #2
And needs to be packed up and put in the mail by the end of the week. So...there's a bit of knitting/hooking evidence for you. But...be forwarned that I took advantage of Boo's second round of feverish cold over the weekend/Monday to finish off all of my spinning projects, to the tune of seven (!) skeins of yarn. And I started something new yesterday and finished the singles today, so Fiber Friday might be nine (!!!!) skeins of yarn to share.


Monday random bits

1. I have knitting that I can not share. Knitting in custom-dyed indie yarn even. The trick of alternating between two balls of yarn is working out really well in taking care of dye lot variations (which are quite dramatic). But that's all I can tell you at the moment...

2. I have another secret project, only this one is crochet. And it's a baby present. So no pictures at all, for the time being. Suffice to say that a) I had to buy yarn for this one and b) it's cotton yarn (I may now be convinced that cotton yarn is only good for crochet, by the by...) Both of my daughters have asked for the same item, only in wool. Hmmm...

3. Last week's freezing temperatures and snow may have led me to the "inescapable" conclusion that I needed to make the girls new hats and mittens. With hedgehogs (their request). Which meant I had to get some yarn on Friday when out doing "market research" with Alli. The fact that it is now 7 degrees C out has sapped my will to knit mittens and hats. Ehem. Move along here, nothing to see.

4. My Dirty Porridge yarn is now happily dry and ready to be measured and assessed. However, I have not yet managed to collect it from the towel rack in the downstairs bathroom and make such measurements, nor have I managed to collect the other 8 skeins of yarn that have been hanging over the shower head since early December. Knitter/spinner fail.

5. I am a bit concerned that I'm going to be stuck in the middle of a big thing at work and be extremely late to meet Devil's bus after school. Oy! FWP for the win on a (finally!) sunny Monday.

Finishing frenzy

Well, the Olympics are over, and my goals for the last two weeks shifted from knitting a completely new handspun sweater to finishing off works in progress. I finished some Tour de Fleece yarn. I finished knitting a previously started handspun sweater. And finally, I got around to finishing these.
Pattern: Maggie's Kitchen by Mandy Powers
Yarn: various odd balls of Tahki Cotton Classic leftover from a baby sweater knit years ago in Houston
Hook: US D/3.25 mm
Comments/mods: this is a great first crochet project - easy basic design that is very straightforward, and allows you to switch colors at will. The pattern also gives five different edging options, so you can do all sorts of fancy bits at the end if so inspired. I loved it!

Now with a few potholders under my belt (that the girls have already swiped for doilies), I think I'm ready to take on something a bit bigger, like, oh let's say, a star-shaped baby blanket for which I may have already bought yarn? For the 9-day (!) old baby I was snuggling yesterday who is waaaay too small for his new sweater*?

* 5 lbs 12 oz, which is a quarter of a pound heavier then a week ago. He is eensy teensy and so, so gorgeous. And no, I'm not inspired to have another one: it's the perfect amount to be able to snuggle him while he's sleeping and full and happy, and then hand him off when things go south**.

** But oh my Bob is he beautiful!